Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today is Jonathan's Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Jonathan. Brie!

I made him a Darn Good Chocolate Cake last night, and Mommy made him pancakes this morning.

Jonathan is 16 today.

What most people dont know is that he was supposed to be a girl! Mommy had three ultrasounds, and every time, the doctor said it was a girl. So Mommy and Daddy were going to name him Jessica Boutros Boutros-Ghali or something like that. Mommy went for the last ultrasound a day before he was born, and that's when the doctor decided he had to come out!

None of Mommy's babies would come out. The doctor had to go in and get them all! The nurse asked Mommy and Daddy if they were still ready for a girl, and they said yes! When Jonathan was born, the nurse said it was a boy, and they thought she was joking!

It's a good thing he was a boy, because he is NOT a Hon!
Besides, I might not be here if he had been a girl!

To honour Jonathan Glenn Cross, I present a few photos of him...

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