Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wonkie Watch -- Dénouement

Hyper-trophic Cardio-myopathy

That's what Wonkie has, rather than a set of baby Wonkies.

So let's take that apart so we can understand just what it is and why it's not Wonkies.

'Hyper' comes from Latin and Greek and means Over, Above, or Excessive.
'Trophic' also comes from Latin and means of, relating to, or characterised by (such) nutrition.
So 'Hypertrophic' would mean overly nourished, or excessive development of an organ or part;

'Cardio' comes from the Greek, and means Heart.
'Myo' comes from the International Scientific Vocabulary and means Muscle or Tissue.
'Pathy' comes from the Greek and means Disorder.
So 'Cardiomyopathy' means a disorder of the muscle or tissue of the heart.

Therefore, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy literally means a disorder of the heart that causes it to become excessively large or over-nourished.
Dont you just love word etymology? I do!

The condition causes the heart to pump inefficiently, which leads to fluid buildup in the lungs and around the heart. This fluid is referred to as 'congestion' and leads to congestive heart failure. Fortunately, it can be treated with 'Beta' or 'Dan' blockers, which help the heart function and relieve the congestion. She will have to eat the blockers for the rest of her life.

Right now Wonkie is still at the vet. She went in yesterday, and they have been siphoning off the fluid, while Wonkie is floating around on Zantac or Valium or some such...

That's all we know, and we are very disappointed that there will be no baby Wonkies to greet Jasmine when she gets home later this year

We already had several names, too;
, Wraith, Ronon Dex, Teyla, Sheppard, Daniel Jackson, Thor, Sha'uri, Rodney, Beckett, and

Because of this disease, which is hereditary, we expect to get Wonkie 'fixed', which, ironically, actually 'breaks' her!

Andy would be good at that! Daddy says he breaks everything! Ha-Ha! Jonathan said that until Andy went there, that mountain was simply known as Back Mountain!

Well, that's all we know, but I'll keep you informed...

Today is Jasmine Hope's very first birthday! Happy Birthday!!!!
We made a very red Red Velvet Cake in the shape of a heart to celebrate.
I will post pictures tomorrow!

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