Monday, October 15, 2007

Have you met Fire Dog?

Me and Fire Dog

Saturday was some kind of Fire Prevention thing, so they had this big Fire Prevention Thing Expo at the Wal-Mart parking lot. Founder's had a tent and Mommy was working there.

At the Founder's tent, they were giving away popcorn in little Founder's buckets (some people call them pails, but I call them buckets), and bubbles. Daniel the Spaniel was there, too, so I got my picture with him....

This cat aint got a smile in him!

Every fire truck and fire rescue thing in Lancaster was there! I hope nothing happened where they would have needed help! They took two ladder trucks and raised the ladders all the way up and hung a flag at the top....

There was a man up there throwing Chick-Fil-A cows to us....

We went in this trailer to learn about what to do if you house catches on fire...

So the smoke starts coming in....

We had to learn to go backwards down the stairs and stay low to get out...

Jaden just closed her eyes and froze!
Daddy had to go get her!
I think she thought it was real!!!

This is me with my new fire truck!

See y'all tomorrow!

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